Saturday, August 14, 2010

Most obnoxious e-mail ever?

I just received what might be the most obnoxious email ever. My friends agree with me. Unfortunately, the email is in Chinese lol. But I will post it anyway.

Background: I wrote an email to a mailing list of students and scholars from China, who are at or are affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania. In that email, I apologized for my poor Chinese, which resulted from my being born and raised in the United States. I then proceeded to give pointers related to H-1B issues, in particular the issues involved with dual representation of an attorney of both a sponsoring company (the "petitioner") and the worker (the "beneficiary"). See my law blog for more details.

At any rate, one individual, who shall go nameless, posted this reply. I will offer a translation shortly:

额。。。我晕倒了, 这几天在度假, 没有时间看mailing list.今天一看就被雷了一下。 美国出生和普通话不好有什么关系, 难道中国出生就英文不好吗。。。。崩溃, 你看看身边中国出生, 英文比本土美国人英文还好的, 不是一拿一大把吗。。。今天真是被你雷到了, 哥们。

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