Friday, April 4, 2008

Advice re. bad boss: don't repay evil for evil

Last night I received an e-mail that complimented me on a recent article, "10 tips on working better with your boss," However, in going on, he said that probably my advice wouldn't help him in the case of his own boss, who often publicly chastised and humiliated this person, who told his boss that if that behavior continued, he would do the same to her. This person asked my advice on how to handle the situation.


I pointed this person to Romans 12:17, and its advice to readers not to repay evil for evil. In other words, I said, don't do the same thing to the boss that the boss is doing to him. Rather, I said, talk to the boss privately, and use neutral language to discuss the issue, e.g. instead of "your behavior troubles me," saying "I'm troubled this THIS behavior." I also advised him to document each incident in writing.

I hope your bosses don't treat you this way.
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